Dining on the Shore Line: Dining Service on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad (NYNH&H)
By Marc Frattasio
106 pages
100 + photos
100-pound glossy paper
Interesting Food Recipes
This is an interesting and very informative history of dining service on the New Haven Railroad. It includes data on the service itself as well as the cars used.
Additionally, the book reproduces many of the recipes that the New Haven chefs used to prepare the meals. Thus, it is not only a good overview of the service and equipment, but serves as a cookbook with authentic recipes that can be used today.
The New Haven was widely known for its commuter service, but also had a large regular passenger train operation, and the dining cars were integral to that business, as they were on most railroads.
Originally published in 2003 at $24.95, now available at discount of $10.00!