Research Request

  • Model: SV-16-000

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Please read this carefully. Doing so will help us provide the information you are interested in.

Ask us a question about C&O Railway history, or railroad history in general. We will respond via email or postal mail, depending on what material and information we find pertaining to your inquiry.

It takes time and effort for us to do this research, so please allow 4-6 weeks for a response.

Please Note! The C&OHS has no railroad employee records or genealogical data available. If you are asking about your grandfather's employment with the railroad we most likely do not have any information. Many stories about employees can be found in our Tracks Magazine DVD and you might consider getting one of those.

The following are two organizations that hold railroad employee records. We suggest that you contact them with your genealogical inquiry:

U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
Office of Public Affairs
844 North Rush St.
Chicago IL 60611-2092
Phone: (877) 772−5772

The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
227 Ives Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853-3183
Phone: (607) 255−3183
Fax: (606) 255−9641

Our goal is to provide a complete and satisfactory answer to your question. In order for us to do that, complete all parts of this form to the best of your knowledge.

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