C&O Equipment, Facilities, and Operations 1950-1972

  • Model: BK-21-994


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Chesapeake & Ohio Equipment, Facilities, and Operations 1950-1972

- Hardbound

- 256 pages

- 32 pages in color

- 400 B&W illustrations

- Drawings

- Extended captions

- 100-lb high-quality glossy paper

Some discussion from Chief Historian and Founder (and author of this book), Tom Dixon:

I have prepared this book with modelers in mind.

 It has photos and drawings of locomotives and cars from various angles, plus drawings, painting/lettering diagrams, and operational data in extended captions. – I have put a lot of eggs in this basket hoping that my confidence in its value to modelers will pay off for the Society—and for you!

In 2017 we did a higher design all color 144—page book called Chesapeake & Ohio, Decades of Change, 1961-1981 in Color, in which we printed many high quality photos. (See catalog no. BK-17-893). ---- This new book is an expansion and development of that theme for modelers. – - Whereas the 2017 book was for visual effect, this new one is arranged in more of a Cyclopedia style so that it can be of better use to anyone interested in details for modeling.

That isn’t to say that it should not be good for anyone of the railfan/historical persuasion (such as I) who is interested in the same era. 

We have a color section of 32 pages just to give some ideas and impressions of the period, expecting that anyone interested will have or will purchase the Decades of Change book for more good color. But there are 400 or so good B&W photos on the other 230 pages. These are from railfan photographers and many from official C&O sources that cover other aspects of equipment, facilities, and operations.

Passenger operations are covered, but not in detail. Rather, we hope that those interested in a very complete passenger train story will have or will buy our book published last year titled Chesapeake & Ohio Passenger Trains: The Last Decades, in Color, 1950-1971 (See catalog No. BK-20-948)

This book starts with the last few years of steam 1950-56, and then deals extensively with the first generation and early second generation diesel periods, ending just before Chessie System in 1972.


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