C&O Painting & Lettering Diagrams "Size 12" Mechanical Drawings Catalog
Back about 1990 we issued a catalog that contained listings of most of our “size 12” Painting & Lettering drawings. We issued the catalog because we thought these drawings would be most useful for modelers. This catalog is now again available as digital download and it is FREE!
The original drawings for size “12” were 12-inches or so wide, and as long as needed to accommodate the car size, but no longer than about 36 inches. They show the side and ends of the car and indicate the placement of all lettering. They also list the full-sized drawings for the lettering that were to be used. In other words, they were the general guidance for painting forces as to how and where to place the lettering/logos and which ones to use. We used to sell them as blueprint reproductions. Now, of course, they’re available digitally.
If you want any in the catalog, copy down the number and telephone the archives (540-862-2210 – use telephone rather than e-mail) and give the number. We will then search for it/their availability. Most are available but some are not because we used the C&O’s listing to prepare the catalog only to find out later that some were missing from our collection of them.
Once the drawings are found they’ll be downloaded to you as digital files and you’ll be charged at $8.95 each. If, however, you want a full size paper copy, the price of $8.95 still applies, but we will charge you shipping as well to mail them to you.
C&OHS Digital Archives