C&O Dining Car Recipes
“Chesapeake and Ohio Dining Car Recipes” is a compilation of authentic railroad diner recipes issued by the C&O Railway for use on its Post-War passenger trains.
The recipes were developed by Chef Michael DeZutter, a consultant hired by the C&O to retrain its dining car personnel for service aboard the railway’s new fleet of streamliners. Enhanced by appealing typography and layout, supplemented with period photographs and logos of the C&O Railway, this edition is the first issuance of the recipe book since the original in 1947. The recipes have not been “updated” with contemporary ingredients and methods.
C&O Dining Car Recipes
“Chesapeake and Ohio Dining Car Recipes” is a compilation of authentic railroad diner recipes issued by the C&O Railway for use on its Post-War passenger trains.
The recipes were developed by Chef Michael DeZutter, a consultant hired by the C&O to retrain its dining car personnel for service aboard the railway’s new fleet of streamliners. Enhanced by appealing typography and layout, supplemented with period photographs and logos of the C&O Railway, this edition is the first issuance of the recipe book since the original in 1947. The recipes have not been “updated” with contemporary ingredients and methods.