Pledge a dollar a day (the price of a cup of coffee) to help us fund our daily operations and implement future plans. You may designate that we charge your card ($30) monthly, quarterly ($90) or annually ($360).
If you do this, you’ll be a “C&O conductor,” and can attend our special donors’ reception at the conference.
We also have the following donation levels.
Remember, the pledge you make here will be charge either monthy, quartely, or annually as you direct.
If you rather donate by telephone, to give other amounts or for more information – Please call 540-862-2210.
Pledge a dollar a day (the price of a cup of coffee) to help us fund our daily operations and implement future plans. You may designate that we charge your card ($30) monthly, quarterly ($90) or annually ($360).
If you do this, you’ll be a “C&O conductor,” and can attend our special donors’ reception at the conference.
We also have the following donation levels.
Remember, the pledge you make here will be charge either monthy, quartely, or annually as you direct.
If you rather donate by telephone, to give other amounts or for more information – Please call 540-862-2210.